Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cancer Prevention - 5 Natural Foods That Prevent Cancer

By James S. Pendergraft

Cancer is one of the major causes of death worldwide. According to an estimate, it is believed that one third of deaths across the world are caused by it. There is a general belief that cancer is a hereditary disease. Though external factors such as chemicals, pollution etc are also believed to cause cancer. Our lifestyle and food habits are major contributory factors of cancer.

The national cancer institute as well as world cancer research fund believes in healthy eating to prevent cancer. The five important foods to be incorporated in our daily diet for preventing cancer are as follows:


Broccoli, cauliflower, onion, garlic, carrot, sweet potato, spinach, beans, avocado, lettuce, asparagus are some of the vegetables to be included in our daily meal to protect ourselves from cancer. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale contains antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which help reduce the risk of prostate or any other form of cancer. Beans, spinach, lettuce, avocado contain folate which is a preventive food for pancreatic cancer. Tomatoes and sweet potatoes are rich source of beta carotene, a preventive vitamin. Vegetables should be preferably taken in raw form as they are richer in nutrients.


Another important food group to be included in our day to day life for avoiding cancer. Fresh, organically cultivated fruits eaten in raw form or extracted as juice prove healthy for an individual. Fruits like banana, grapefruit, orange, papaya, red grapes, strawberries, raspberries; blueberries are few important fruits which help reduce cancer. Papaya is believed to prevent the absorption of nitrosamines from processed food and cultivation soil, which are major cause of cancer. While banana is rich in potassium and red grapes are rich in bioflavonoid; the berries too are believed to possess anti cancerous nutrients.


This white meat is rich in Omega 3s and essential fatty acids which act as a preventive measure against breast cancer. They are healthy for our heart and brain. The fish oil is believed to protect from prostate and colon cancer.


drinking lots of water, juice, green tea and chai is essential for keeping our body healthy. Drinking 5 liters of water everyday washes down all the toxins from our body. While vegetable and fruit juices provide essential nutrients and vitamins. Green tea is a rich source of antioxidant. It has been proven by the American institute of cancer research that green tea contains phytochemicals which are believed to stop the transformation of normal cells to cancerous cells.


it is a rich source of protein. At the same time soy is also believed to be rich is phytochemicals responsible for prevention of breast cancer. Soy can be taken daily as soy milk, tofu, granules, pulse. Any form of soy proves beneficial except the processed form. We should avoid soy chips rich in salt as well as other processed soy snacks. In fact any form of processed food be it salami, chips, sausages or cool drinks is unhealthy and major cause of different kinds of cancer.

To Your Health!

Abortions Clinic Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortions, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling. Abortions Clinic

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"Cancer can be Cured," claims Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark N.D.

By Alister Bredee

Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark N.D. is a Canadian researcher in the field of alternative and complementary medicine who claims “cancer can be cured!” She has written five books, three devoted to cancer to explain her amazing assertion. To put her money where her mouth is, she has opened a Clinic in Tijuana Mexico. “Century Nutrition”, the name of the Mexican Clinic, is designed to treat cancer and AIDS patients who have been written off as “terminal cases” by orthodox medicine. In the last 15 years she has treated over 2,000 patients, most of them successfully. Others, less seriously ill are invited to follow the steps to wellness as outlined in her books.

She explains in her writings that specific diseases have precise vibrational ratios. If we increase our own vibrational frequency by clearing up the disease making pollutants in our bodies, this rate increases and we rise above the frequency of the disease. She describes how we can make a “zapper” cheaply from materials available from the local electrical store that will rid us of the parasites that go to make up a large part of this problem.

The “zapper” might be relatively simple but much of her current success revolves around a more complex device that she calls a “Synchrometer.” This is used to discover the precise cause of the cancer or any other illness for that matter! This appliance is able to identify parasites and other toxic agents that go to make up the sickness. Once an exact cause has been identified it is relatively easy to fight the real root and not merely treat the symptom.

Her first book on the subject, “The Cure for All Cancers” examined the real causes of this enigma known as cancer. A Revised Version appeared in 1998. In this publication she looked closely at the make-up of cancerous tumors, particularly at the stage before they turned malignant. In her second cancer book, “The Cure for All Advanced Cancers”, she gives lots of information about the ways of shrinking those masses we call cancerous growths. The most noteworthy feature of this publication is a “21 Day Program” designed to re-establish wellness. Her writings serve as “do it yourself guides”. The directions are easy to understand and follow and allow the patient to take responsibility for his or her own health.

Don’t be fooled, by no means does Dr. Clark advocate a simple pill which will rid you of your cancer! Cancer is made up of many constituents. It is necessary to treat all of the components, so a single tablet is unlikely to suffice. Some claim her treatments are very severe. Usually her regimen requires removing mercury from the mouth by way of a dental clean-up, a strict diet and avoidance of cosmetics including commercially available make-up, mouthwashes and deodorants. But surely such sacrifices are a small price to pay in order to overcome a life-threatening illness like cancer?
Interested in this subject? Try this link for more of the same.

Alister Bredee is a freelance writer, author, lecturer and trainer and Natural Health Practitioner. See also

He lives in Thailand and can be contacted at:

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Walk-In Clinics - The Doctor is Out

By Werner Knoepp

Rather than waiting a week to see your doctor when you've got a sore throat, your past choice could have been the emergency room at your local hospital. Once there, you could be privileged to wait for hours in a crowded noisy room. Then, adding to the insult, you could be hit up for hefty co-insurance fees.

That's changing. Walk-in cinics, also called Retail Health Clinics are showing up in strip malls, megastores, major shopping malls, and drugstores. CVS, Walgreens, Target, and Wall-Mart are in the business. At the end of 2007, there were 921 walk-in health clinics nationwide as compared to just 129 the year before. So the growth has been nothing short of phenominal; sort of like Starbucks. Within the next five years, the number is expected to exceed 3,000.

The search for cheaper, faster, and more accessible health care is fueling this trend. Timely and affordable health care is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain as doctors continue to migrate into the specialties. The reason for this is simple. They pay better.

Some doctors are fighting back. Dr Jim King, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians has developed a program that allows patients with minor problems, the kind that could be treated at a walk-in clinic, to see a doctor within 45 minutes of coming in. There are a number of practices attempting to become more patient centered than has been their customary routine, but to date, they are still very few and far between.

So meanwhile, if you have a cold, sinus problem or a bug of some kind that isn't likely to get serious, a walk-in clinic may provide a solution. But before you go running off to the nearest Target, be aware of the possible drawbacks.

Walk-ins -- What Are They?

The Mayo Clinic defines a walk-in clinic as a clinic that treats certain common conditions. They are often staffed by licensed nurse practioners who are specially trained to work in these clinics and can write a prescription for you if necessary. Most walk-in clinics treat conditions such as:

- Sinus infections or upper respiratory infections
- Bladder infections
- Strep throat
- Pink eye or styes
- Minor injuries
- Skin conditions such as warts or eczema

Some clinics also provide flu or tetanus shots, pregnancy tests, and routine physicals. They are not a substitute for regular visits to your doctor and you should keep your doctor informed of any treatment you have received at a walk-in clinic.

Mixed Reviews by Consumers

The Deloitte Center for Health Solutions recently conducted a survey that found 34% of consumers inclined to use a walk-in clinic, with 16% saying they already have. Walk-in clinics are cheaper, more convenient, with many of them keeping late hours. And many insurance companies are now covering visits to these clinics, with much lower co-pays than for a doctor's visit. According to Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, head of the Bioethics Department at the National Institutes of Health, walk-in clinics are good for "short, simple stuff." They are not about complicated health problems.

Even so, patients are not uniformly happy with walk-in clinics. Canada, just like the U.S., is suffering from a shortage of primary care physicians. And Canada also has its share of walk-in clinics. A study in the Annals of Family Medicine surveyed patients on the kind of care they liked best.

Seeing or speaking on the telephone with one's family physician scored the highest, the emergency room followed and then came a health information service staffed by nurses. Walk-in clinics made a very poor showing of last.

And then of course, the question of safety and appropriate treatment is always out there. When you walk into a clinic, chances are you won't be seen by a doctor. Most clinics are managed by nurse practitioners or physician's assistants and don't have a doctor on the premises, This leaves the decision of prescribing medication up to someone with considerably less comprehensive training and can result in overdosing, especially where antibiotics are concerned. Doctor Bruce Auerbach, president elect of the Massachussetts Medical Society believes that this can be downright dangerous. If the patient fails to communicate with the practitioner concerning the medications he is already taking, a medication could be prescribed that seriously conflicts with them, is Dr Auerbach's contention.

b>Alternatives for Chronic Conditions

Neither a walk-in clinic nor a doctor practicing allopathic (conventional) medicine is, for the most part, very successful in treating chronic illnesses. For this your best bet is an Alternative Physician. These doctors stand head and shoulders above the conventional group when it comes to treating chronic diseases like arthritis, asthma, allergies, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other degenerative diseases. Anyone afflicted with such a disease would be well advised to ignore both the walk-in clinic and the "conventional" doctor and locate a good Alternative Physician familiar with, or better, specializing, in your particular affliction.

Alternative physicians can be readily located through the American College for the Advancement of Medicine. These doctors are, beyond all else, the wave of the future when it comes down to truly effective treatment of chronic illnesses. Alternative physicians trump the walk-ins and the so called conventional doctors in actually providing cures as opposed to management of diseases. Alternative physicians deserve a close look by anyone afflicted with a chronic disease.

So the next time you feel the need for prompt medical attention and consider using a walk-in clinic, take a moment to evaluate your condition yourself. If it's a simple cut finger, temporary sore throat, or migraine, go for it. If you're not sure, chances are the practitioner at the clinic won't be sure either and you'll just be sent on to a doctor anyway. If they're ethical.

For unbiased commentary on health and wellness issues, health book and health product reviews, alternative medicine practitioner referrals, pet product reviews, skin care, and fitness, and a direct link to the world's premiere manufacturer of supplements that meet and exceed all FDA requirements, visit Werner

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Insider Tips On Cancer Treatment

By Richard Tolar

Cancer centers like John Hopkins Cancer Treatment Center, Cancer Treatments Centers Of America, University of New Mexico, and the many others, that can be located at the Nation Cancer Institute, all provide valuable information of what kind of treatments, and care, are available to a person with cancer.

Several cancer treatment centers are available for cancer victims who have been diagnosed with the disease. The majority of these cancer treatment centers provide different treatment options, including conventional and holistic, for therapy purposes for cancer and the patients body, mind, and spirit. Studies in these cancer treatment centers are a continuous process and welcome the participation of patients who have qualified in several clinical trials. Intensive studies has ensured that new cancer treatments are devised all the time, and when a study reach the stage where it can be tried on humans, then clinical trials are carried out.

Giant strides are made every day in this field, as evident by the excellent results recorded in many cancer treatments, and which has made it possible to cure forms of cancer that were once thought to be deadly, a development that has helped multitudes of people to enjoy healthy cancer free lives. You will find many cancer treatments in most urban areas that are accessible to people, and which are affiliated with big university teaching hospitals, and provide cutting edge technology to treat various forms of cancers.

Sometimes the facilities are used for research purposes that allow researcher fellows to discover new treatment alternatives. Those who live in communities where access to cancer treatment centers is impossible can equally get treatment from local oncologists and cancer treatment centers. They offer good services and can provide cancer patients with professional care and support.

The kinds of services rendered by various cancer treatment centers differs, this depends on whether they use conventional or alternative treatment methods, just as the fees charged varies as well, while those looking for an affordable cancer treatment center can easily find it, likewise those who want luxurious one which operate on traditional method.

Many high-class private clinics usually offer cancer patients gourmet organic food, natural herbal spa treatments, and other luxurious services such as exquisite lodgings; it has been proven that these unconventional cancer therapies help the patient regain their health. Is it fair that those with money get the best treatment? They are not actually getting the best treatment, just the best food. Cancer treatment centers are different from the familiar sterile hospital environment.

They provide the comfort that cancer patients need to recover physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The Internet is where to check if you are a cancer patient and are looking for a cancer treatment center. Here, you will have access to a number of different cancer treatment options, as well as ideas on such things like diet, nutrition, and spiritual health.

The aims and objectives of cancer treatment centers is to offer patients the best care possible, offer them and their love ones complete support, and reverse a potentially sad episode into a positive experience.

Richard Tolar survived a ruptured brain aneurysm 5 years ago. He spent the past 4 years talking to, and watching, people to try and discover where their interest lay. This article is about one of many things people deal with on a daily basis.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Health Benefits of Eating Organic Food and What Everyone Needs to Know

By H Young

Why are so many people going organic and raving about the health benefits of eating organic food? The better question is are there any health benefits? What many people don't know is that there are tons of positives to eating organic food, and there are some who would rather die than eat non organic food. The main issue is the use of pesticides and chemical additives in our food. When comparing our diets to jungle people and tribes who live off of food sources that are considerably pure in comparison to ours in America and Western Europe, we consume man made chemicals and they don't. We also have an extremely high amount of cancer cases that are growing at alarming rates each day.

The amount of doctors and scientists across the world that are in agreement about the dangers of chemicals in food keep growing each year. No one can deny that the amount of degenerative illnesses in the west have gotten out of control when looking at the statistics set out by the United States Cancer Institute:

  1. By 2010 Cancer will most likely become the leading cause of death.
  2. Cancer is the number one cause of death in children in between ages 1 to 14
  3. A new cancer is diagnosed every 30 seconds
  4. Approximately 500,000 people die from cancer every year.
  5. One in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

These statistics are very scary because the number of people who wont get cancer seems to be shrinking each year! In Europe and the U.S. studies have shown that pesticides have extremely harmful effects, especially in children. Chemical additives and pesticides are toxic because they damage enzymes that play a part in cell processes. When an enzyme is damaged the regulation of cell growth and maintenance can be disrupted, causing a load of problems for the body. This is the reason why people are flocking to health food stores and local markets to get organic food. Organic food gives people the opportunity to eat food which does not have genetically modified organisms, synthetic pesticides, chemicals additives and colors.

In countries such as Sweden and Norway they have banned certain food dyes and preservatives due to the discovery of health problems associated with them. Many of these chemicals have yet to be banned in the U.S. But at the end of the day one thing for certain is the need for an evaluation of our lifestyle. We need turn away from synthetic and processed and turn towards healthy food that will contribute to a strong, resilient body. By continuously pumping our bodies with poison, we are only shooting ourselves in the foot in terms of health.

To learn more about organic food and how you can live a truly healthy lifestyle please visit

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Anti-Cancer Organic Health Food (Swiflets Edible Bird's Nest)

By Tan Boon Siong

ecent scientific research on Edible Bird's nest (EBN) found it contained rich amino-acids and rich antioxidants. The two essential elements help to generate new cells and counter free radicals in our body.


Bird's nest is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances or nutrients which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. Health problems such as heart diseases, muscular degeneration, diabetes, cancer etc are all contributed by oxidative damage. Antioxidants may also immune defense and therefore lower the risk of cancer and infection.

Amino Acids

Bird's nest contains amino acids like Leucine, Lysine, glycine, glutamine, tyrosine, arginine, cystein, histidine, tryptophan etc. Amino acids best be described as the construction blocks from which protein is made.

In general, EBN can be divided into cave nests and house nests. Cave nests are mainly harvested from natural caves. Since cave nests are 'made' by free, naturally-living swiflets, some consider them to be more valuable than house nests. Hence, they fetch a higher price. However, the truth is cave nests generally contain more foreign materials and feathers than house nests. Besides, cave's nests are exposed to the risk of heavy metal contaminants from the environment.

House nests are made by swiflets (Collocalia, sp.) in the attics of countryside houses and many abandoned or unoccupied shops in the town in Malaysia. Now, humans has acquired the knowledge of cultivating the swiflets in control buildings. Generally, the texture of house nests are smoother compared to those of cave nests,with less feathers and other contaminants.

Bird's nests are an expensive and nutritive products. Thus it is important to distinguish the genuine bird's nest (The authenticity of bird's nest). In the market, there are many producers who would increase the weight of bird's nest by adding additives like white fungus,jelly and skin or synthetic rubber.

Appearance:- Good and genuine nests consist of two main types of filaments. The outer layer that has longer and bigger filaments whereas the inner part has finer, shorter filaments.

Cooking:- When double boiled for an hour the bird's nest inner filaments become water soluble. The outer filaments contain mainly minerals, it is less soluble but gives bird's nest its signature fibrous taste and appearance.

Odour:- During double boiling a fine scent of near albumin odour will occur.

Bird's nests contain glycoprotein. This special glycoprotein has mitogenic effect properties named as Epidermal Growth Factor(EGF) which can stimulate cells growth. The tonic powers of bird's nests are believed to improve skin complexion, slow down the aging and prevent cancer cells from mutation.

In traditional Chinese medicine, bird's nest is believed to offer good effect for treating tuberculosis,dry coughs, asthma,and general weakness due to bronchial ailments. It is also traditionally used to nourish the kidney, lung, heart and stomach. Consumption of bird's nest is also recommended to complement other treatments to combat degenerative diseases such as cancer and also for convalescence or to recover health after illness or surgery.

I am Dr Tan Boon Siong,Chairman of Johor Birdnest Merchant Association. We are having 2000 members and having 3000 bird's house. It is the biggest association in the industry. We are able to produce edible bird's nest of 5000kg per month. We are doing research on Edible bird' nest. The new formulation of anti-wrinkle skin lotion and cream are now in the market. If you try you will love it.

We longevity Wellness Industries Sdn Bhd, ready to serve you, please come by Yong Kang Bird's Nest for more information.

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